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Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions that come up the most often. If you don't see yours here, shoot us an email and we'll be happy to help you out.

Where do I park?

You can either park in the building parking lot off of Sheridan Road, or you can park right on 61st Street by the main entrance. If you park in the Sheridan Road lot, please make sure to walk with and/or watch your child until they are in the building.

Which door should I go to?

Reid Street Studio students should come to the main entrance of the building, located on 61st Street. Mrs. Chiappetta will be waiting at the door five minutes before class starts to let students in. Students will then be escorted to the studio space as a group promptly at the class start time. If stairs are difficult or unmanageable for you or your student, please let Mrs. Chiappetta know ahead of time so that she can meet you by the Montessori entrance with the ramp.


Students will exit from the same door at the end of class time. Mrs. Chiappetta will wait with students at the door until everyone has been picked up.

What happens if I'm late?

Life happens! If you are running late for class, you may ring the green doorbell to the studio located outside of the 61st Street main entrance, and somebody from your class will come to let you in. If the doorbell isn't working, please call 262-496-9827 for assistance.

Do I need to stay with my student?

Nope! Run some errands, go get some coffee at Anna's on the Lake, talk a walk by the marina, stop at Scoops for some ice cream, check out what's new in the nest at Lulu Birds, or rest your eyes for a little bit. All we ask is that you're back in time to pick your student up, as most classes are scheduled with a tight turn-around time.

But what if I want to stay with my student?

We get it. There is a very small first-come, first-served waiting area outside of the studio space for parents or caretakers. Family members of students are not permitted in the studio space during class time.

Should I bring anything with me?

All supplies and materials are provided for you once you get to class, including aprons. Younger students may want to wear a smock or large button-down shirt for extra coverage. All students are encouraged to wear mess-friendly clothing!

What if I'm bad at art?

You're not. You just need to work on building up your skills. Like sports or music, some people may have natural talent, but EVERYBODY will improve with practice, coaching, and encouragement. Try it; we bet you will end up loving it.

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