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Studio Policies

As Monica Gellar once said, "Rules are good! Rules help control the fun!"

Studio Policies + Rules are as follows:


Reid Street Studio credit is available in full in the case of a cancellation made up to 14 days prior to class, camp, or tutoring start date. All classes, camps, and tutoring sessions are non-refundable and will not be credited after that time. ALL cancellation requests must be made VIA EMAIL to

Missed Classes

Reid Street Studio offers one makeup class per 8-week quarter session. The student's parent or guardian is responsible for contacting Mrs. Chiappetta to determine a time to make up the class that will work the best for both parties involved. Any missed class beyond the initial one will not be eligible to be made up.

(N0) Refunds

Once a student has been booked into a class, no refunds will be made. If a student cancels up to 14 days prior to their class, camp, or tutoring start date, they will receive Reid Street Studio Credit to be used at a later date. Requests for refunds will not be honored.  

Late Pick-Up

If you will be unexpectedly late (more than five minutes) picking up your student, please call 262-496-9827 to let Mrs. Chiappetta know. Families are granted one late pick-up. Should late pick-ups (more than five minutes past class end time) continue to happen, a $15 Late Pick-Up Fee will be charged to the student's account each time a late pick-up occurs. We appreciate your assistance in helping us stay on schedule.

Student Behavior

Reid Street Studio is a place of business, in a space where other businesses exist, and it is expected that students and their families will treat it as such. Minor misbehavior will be handled with good humor, respectfully, and in a professional manner by the teacher. If a student continues to misbehave after being redirected, the teacher will share the student's choices with their parent or guardian at pickup, and a plan will be put in place for the next class.


Should ANY student behave in a way that prevents other students from enjoying their studio time safely or appropriately, that student will be removed from the group immediately, their parent or guardian will be called, and the student must be picked up. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: foul language, deliberate destruction of Reid Street Studio space or supplies, disrespecting the teacher or other students either verbally or physically, destroying peers' artwork, inappropriate conversation topics, horseplay, etc.


Depending on the severity of the behavior, the student may either be allowed one more chance in class during the next session, or they may be removed from the class altogether. Reid Street Studio reserves the right to make the final decision. No refund will be given in the case of dismissal due to student behavior.

Use of Technology

In an effort to keep Reid Street Studio a calm and mindful space, students are asked to limit their use of technology while in the studio, particularly cell phones, social media, and videos. Phones may be used by older students to look up reference images or inspiration, but students will not be allowed to watch individual videos or TV shows, make videos, take pictures, record, or scroll mindlessly during class time. Students will be permitted to use their phones to listen to music while they work.

Food & Drink

The after-school hustle is real. If necessary, students may bring and eat a non-messy, non-stinky snack. Examples of this include goldfish crackers, an apple, some grapes, or graham crackers. Snacks that have the potential of creating smears or smells, such as Cheetos, Doritos, french fries, or yesterday's leftovers will not be allowed. As the studio is a fully-carpeted space, we ask that students only bring and drink water. Students who bring in coffee, soda, juice, or any other non-water beverage will be asked to leave them by the sink until the end of class.


Students may work with hot glue, Xacto knives, scissors, canary knives, and other tools during their class time. Students will be shown how to use the tools safely and what the procedures are for the use of the tools. The studio space has a first aid kit, soap, hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes, and Band-Aids for student use. In the event that a student is injured during class time, the teacher will share that information at pick-up. If the injury is more serious, the student's parent or guardian will be called immediately. All students must have a signed liability waiver on file prior to starting classes at Reid Street Studio.

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